

Name|Jack Gallowtree
Hometown|Wolverhampton, England
How did you get discovered?
I was tattooing a photographer that was accompanied by a stylist who suggested that I go to AMCK and check it out. Seen as I had return from the states and was looking for somewhere new to work and another way to potentially make money I decided to go for it, after all 'nothing ventured nothing gained', right?
What were you doing prior to modeling?
Thats not really an applicable question to me in my perspective. That suggests that modeling is my career which it really isn't. In my eyes I'm not a model, I'm a tattooer that happens to do abit of modelling. I've always been an artist, I've drawn and painted since i was a lil kid due to my mother being an art teacher and my grandmother being a painter. I've also been involved within tattooing for the past 6 years now and it what my career is all about.
People would be surprised to know that I...
Well, the two big things that seem to surprise people is that I'm a good cook and that I died when I was a child, I don't know how long for but yeah it happened...I guess hell didn't want me yet!
What's your latest obsession?
I don't get current obsessions so really there's not a 'latest' obsession, however my obsessions are motorcycles, work and marlboro reds.
Your most prize possession?
If I hadn't sold my motorcycle last year, I would have definitely said that seen as I built it. So I guess it would have to be my tattoo machines. I hold my nixon watch pretty dear too though!
When did you start getting tattoos?
Which was your first one, which one is the most recent? I started getting tattooed when I was 18 just because my friend Ross Cook was apprenticing and needed some people who were game for him to practice and learn on, which is fundamentally what got me into my career too. The first one he did was the "Like A Mother Fucker" Pirate Love heart on the inside of my right arm. The most recent piece I had done was by my friend Simon Erl who did a version of a
really old bowery street design involving a Japanese man's head and the words 'easy peasy'.
Growing up, who did you look up to as your hero?
Thats a tough one, I always had mad hype for Schwarzenegger and always believed he'd beat Stallone hands down. But I think my real hero was Indiana Jones, When I was a kid I wanted to be an archaeologist so bad because of how rad he was, I'd play the games and even dressed up as him one Halloween (I'd probably do that again to be fair)
When is the last time you said "I Love You" to someone?
I Love You...then just now, that past second to you
Three adjectives that best describes you:
Dilligent, Bold, Reclusive
Describe your personal style
I honestly don't know how to, I just avoid the different 'brackets' of fashion genres and just wear what I feel comfortable in. I've been living in plaid shirts for the past 7 years...I guess all in all what I wear would be very Californian seen as that's where I've seen most people dressed in the way I do
Your favorite place you have travel to
America, more specifically California...I'm determined to eventually live and work there one day!
Your favorite film and scene from the film:
There's a lot of films that I love but first thing that comes to mind after quoting from it tonight with my flat mate would be Total Recall, where Arnie throws Riktors arms off the elevator and says 'See you at the party Riktor!'
Your favorite sport or sports figure.
I've always hated sport so bad, I was always terrible in school and believe soccer players should have their wages swapped with the likes of nurses, Doctors, teacher...anyone who plays a detrimental role in contributing something that seriously matters to society. At the very least be paid a basic wage and given a bonus per goal they score, imagine how much more professional the game would get then instead of it seeming like 90 minutes of amateur dramatics by bad role models. However in the time I've spent stateside I have come to enjoy Football. It's just a pain to watch over here seen as its on late and has 3 hours of adverts throughout the game.
Sport: American Football
Team: San Francisco 49ers
If there's a destination or item you would recommend us to check out or visit about your native country/city or town, what would you recommend?
Wolverhampton, England—My hometown is on the list of top ten most disappointing cities in the world to visit but still ranks better than LA strangely. I'd say bail from my hometown and escape to the countryside around it. I used to go for rides out to escape all the time and it really is something of beauty out there, Ironbridge or Bridgenorth are really beautiful little towns just outside in the country near my hometown.
Your favorite song?
Crete'n, The Sword and The Saviours are the currently most played artists in my Itunes
Heavy This Axe—The Sword
Greatest moment in modeling so far:
This questionaire for sure! and working with Darren Black, loved photographed by him. There was no bullshit, had the only clothes I've been stoked to wear so far and I was able to just be myself, real fun guy to work with!
What is your wish for 2012?
Same wish I have every year, to be able to buy a Harley!
MODEL|Jack Gallowtree|AMCK Models (UK)
Special thanks to Patrick Egbon-Marshall at AMCK Models; Mr. Gallowtree for sharing the love of his art and craft!

For the complete editorial, please visit: www.visualtalesmagazine.com

MODEL|Isaac Ekblad|Wilhelmina
Special thanks to Kelly Elmore at Wilhelmina; Kounim Suh at Michele Montagne PR; Brittany Kane at Issey Miyake; Andrew Burmeister and Isaac for his time while in Paris!